Employee Self Service Add/Update Nominee Information Loan/Withdrawal Application Final Settlement Application Employee’s PF Statement Employee PF Balance
Dashboard Contribution Summary Loan Disposal Summary Loan Received Investment Position Investment Maturity/Interest Employee Settlement Bank Balance Retirement/Upcoming Retirements
Members Management Member’s PF Contribution Loan/Withdrawal Approval/Payment Final Settlement Approval/Payment Transfer Out Application Account posting Communication and Notifications
Financial account Receipt / Payment Voucher Money Receipts Journal Inter Bank Vouchers Account Ledger & Sub-Ledger reports Outstanding Liabilities Cash / Bank Book Schedule Generation Trial balance and balance sheet
Security and Access Control Module/Functionality Wise Access Matrix Settings Default User Wise Access Matrix Assign User Access Matrix
Investment Management Investment/Deposit Investment Maturity / Sale Interest accrued provision Investment Register Broker wise Investment Register Account posting
Subscription Management Employee Registration Import Payroll Data Loans & Withdrawals Management Investment Accounting Settlement Accounting Transfer In/Out Compliance and Reporting Employee's Superannuation Fund Interest / Bonus calculation TDS calculation Account posting