In Ruby on Rails development, filters play a vital role. They are the methods executed ‘before’, ‘after’ or ‘around’ a controller action.
For example, one filter might check to see if the user has the credentials to access that particular controller or action.
Filters are inherited, so if you set a filter on ‘ApplicationController’, it would run on every controller in your application.
Below is an example to explain how a filter can be used to restrict a non-logged in user to access specified actions in a controller
- In Application controller write the following block of code according to the requirement.
def user_login_required if !session[:username] flash[:notice] = "Oops you need to login!" redirect_to :controller => "user_sessions", :action => "new" end end
- Now write the before_filter block in the controller you want to restrict the not registered users. You can also restrict particular actions of a controller by writing the action name.
class UsersController < ApplicationController before_filter :user_login_required, :only => [:profile] def profile [Your code block goes here] end end
In the above block the ‘before_filter’ restrict the not registered user to access
the profile page and redirect them to login page. We can also restrict multiple
actions by writing like this
before_filter :user_login_required, :only => [:profile,:edit]
In this case the filter is applied to only these two methods of a particular controller.
before_filter :user_login_required, :except => [:index,:show]
In this case the filter is applied to all other actions except index and show
action of a particular controller.
If you write the before_filter block in the “ApplicationController” then the
filter will be applied to all the controllers.
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