What’s the first thing that strikes your mind, when I say – “Project Management Tool and Web Application Development”!
That is correct – How to do it and which technology should I go wth?
Most of us might sketch to go with PHP and CakePHP, because of its performance and user friendliness.
In 1995, PHP was released as a server-side scripting language for developing web applications. It is the dynamic programming language to update HTML page with similar syntax like Perl.
2017 – Huge evaluation has gone through in the original version of PHP in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf and it’s growing enormously to acquire a significant space in the web application development arena.
This article will be more on learning about the journey of Orangescrum – the #1 Project Collaboration Tool with the evolution of PHP and its various new features in its latest versions.
Let’s have quick overview on the user statistics and market position of PHP;
(Source: w3techs.com)
Currently PHP is being widely used as a scripting language majorly for web development embedded into HTML.
Quick Facts
Facebook – World’s most popular social media website, Twitter and Wikipedia (the free online encyclopedia) are all developed using PHP.
Let’s have a quick look on graph to know the uses of PHP in various categories of websites.
(Image Source: trends.builtwith.com)
As an open source programming language, PHP is upgrading its version (from PHP5 to PHP7.1) and bringing wide set of enhancements, which supports the object-oriented programming with classes, and interface.
PHP community developers are adding new features to applications for better performance and scalability with less memory use – and the same is being implemented in Orangescrum to make it more robust. Have a look at the uses of PHP version bellow;
(Image Source: seld.be)
Let us have a look at the areas on where PHP has improved its performance on version 7.1
PHP 7.0
Most of the improvements listed here are related to the Zend Engine:
- Core data structures re-factoring
- Better VM calling convention
- New parameters parsing API
- Yet another new memory manager
- Many improvements in VM executor
- Significantly reduced memory usage
- Improved __call() and __callStatic() functions
- Improved string concatenation
- Improved character searching in strings
PHP 7.1
- New SSA based optimization framework (embedded into opcache)
- Global optimization of PHP bytecode based on type inference
- Highly specialized VM opcode handlers
According to the above improvements as described, we may think that the possibility of PHP 7.2 or PHP 8 might be nearing in with many advance features.
In 2011, we upgraded Orangescrum Project Management Software with PHP 5.5 and very soon, we are going to launch the new version of Orangescrum with PHP 7 in its DNA, which is under development.
Now, as per the source, PHP new version is under development with the base of 7.1 by Dmitry Stogov of Zend under the “experimental JIT” branch.
“PHP 7.1 is going to see a lot of security improvements and I’ll only be driving a handful of them.”
With my experience and expertise – I think, the time is right to migrate your old application to the latest one to avail the upcoming updates of PHP.
Want to feel the power of PHP – Try Orangescrum (It’s Free)
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