Unveiling FeedZirra: Simplifying Feed Parsing in Your Rails Application

Unveiling FeedZirra: Simplifying Feed Parsing in Your Rails Application
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What is a Feed?

A feed is a data format which is used to provide frequent updates and latest contents to the users. A feed has no particular type; it could be news, latest technology, game, gadgets, sports etc. These feeds can be easily parsed into your Rails application to make it more useful for the users. The feed is build up with XML and has particular format type.

What is Feedzirra?

“Feedzirra” on the other hand is a feed library built on Ruby that is designed to get and update a number of feeds as fast as possible. This includes using “libcurl-multi” through the “curb” gem for faster http gets, and “libxml” through “nokogiri” and “sax-machine” for faster parsing.

Suppose you need to add some updated information to your Rails application from other feed site like ‘feedburner’, in such cases you can easily work it out by using the gem “feedzirra”.

Here are the steps to use ‘feedzirra’ in your Rails application.


Add the gem ‘feedzirra’ in to your gem file.

gem 'feedzirra'

Run ‘bundle install’ to install the gem along with its dependencies.


Modify your controller where you are fetching the feeds.

require 'feedzirra'


Now, write the following code in your method in order to parse feeds from an external site.

feed =Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse("http://feeds.feedburner.com/TechCrunch/gaming")
@entry = feed.entries

Note: Here we are parsing the feeds from ‘feedburne’r site with updated information on gaming news.


Now, open your view section and write the following code snippet to display the information regarding the feeds.

<%@entry.each do |t|%>
<%= link_to "#{t.title}", "#{t.url}",:target => "_blank" %>

Note: The above code will display the feed title, author name, content, published date and category type. Clicking the feed title, will launch a new tab in browser and display the detail information of that feed.


You can also fetch multiple feeds by writing the following code.

feed_urls = ["http://feeds.feedburner.com/PaulDixExplainsNothing", "http://feeds.feedburner.com/trottercashion"]
feeds = Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse(feed_urls)


The FeedZirra gem empowers Rails developers to seamlessly integrate feed parsing capabilities into their applications. 

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Whether you’re building a news aggregator, a blog reader, or a content recommendation system, FeedZirra simplifies the process of retrieving and presenting timely content from various sources. 

By harnessing the power of FeedZirra, you can enhance user engagement, keep your app’s content fresh, and deliver a more dynamic user experience.

Related Questions

Q1: What is the FeedZirra gem, and how does it simplify feed parsing in Rails applications?

The FeedZirra gem is a powerful tool in the Ruby ecosystem that provides a user-friendly way to parse RSS and Atom feeds. It abstracts the complexities of handling different feed formats, making it easier for developers to extract and utilize the content they need within their Rails apps.

Q2: How can I integrate the FeedZirra gem into my Rails application for parsing feeds?

To integrate the FeedZirra gem into your Rails app, start by adding it to your Gemfile with the following line: gem ‘feedzirra’. After running bundle install, you can fetch and parse feeds using the Feedzirra::Feed.fetch_and_parse method. This allows you to access the feed’s entries (articles) and display them in your app.

Q3: What are some of the advanced features offered by the FeedZirra gem for feed parsing in Rails?

The FeedZirra gem provides several advanced features, including access to various properties of feed entries such as publication date, author, summary, and content. It also offers automatic HTML content sanitization to ensure safe rendering. Additionally, you can implement caching to reduce the load on feed sources and optimize performance.

Q4: How does the FeedZirra gem benefit developers when integrating feed parsing into their Rails applications?

The FeedZirra gem brings several benefits to developers, including streamlined efficiency by handling the intricacies of feed parsing. It supports multiple feed formats (RSS and Atom), making it compatible with a wide range of sources. The gem’s simple API is designed for ease of use, catering to developers of various skill levels. Moreover, it provides customization options to tailor parsed feed content to suit your app’s design and requirements.

Q5: Can the FeedZirra gem be used to enhance user engagement and content freshness in Rails apps?

Absolutely. By utilizing the FeedZirra gem to parse feeds, you can enhance user engagement by providing fresh and relevant content from various sources. Whether you’re building a news aggregator, a blog reader, or a content recommendation system, integrating feed parsing into your Rails app with FeedZirra helps create a dynamic user experience that keeps users informed and engaged.

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