Closures In Ruby: Lambdas & Procs

Closures In Ruby: Lambdas & Procs
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Ruby handles Closures in a rather unique way, with Lambdas & Procs being two of the most powerful features.

A Closure basically has the following properties:

  • Can be passed around like an object
  • Remembers values of all the variables that were in scope.
  • Accesses the variables when called, even if they may no longer be in scope.

In Ruby, Closures are supported through Procs and Lambdas.


How Are These Objects Different?

The basic difference is in terms of returning the objects and argument passing. Lambdas check the number of arguments, while Procs don’t.

Here’s the code snippet for Lambdas:

myblock = lambda { |p| puts p }  
#output: 5
#output: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)

But, in case of Procs:

proc= { |p| puts p }  
#output: 5
#output: returns nil
 #output: prints out 5 and forgets about the extra arguments

Lambdas and procs treat the ‘return’ keyword differently. Here’s an example that uses Lambdas:

def sample_method
 lambda { return "Return me from the block here" }.call
 return "Returning from the calling method"
$> puts sample_method

Output: Returning from the calling method

Here’s another example using

def my_method { return "Return me from the block here" }.call
 return "Returning from the calling method"
$>puts my_method

Output: Return me from the block here.

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Jayadev Das - Post Author

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