CloudLinux’s Recent Integration of PHP 5.5 Alpha 2 Version

CloudLinux’s Recent Integration Of PHP 5.5 Alpha 2 Version
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Shared hosting operating system provider CloudLinux has expanded their PHP offerings by declaring the availability of PHP 5.5 Alpha2 version to its PHP selector tool.

With the ability to select PHP versions, PHP selector allows the users to get the latest feature updates

and preferred PHP version like PHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and now, 5.5 Alpha2 from their web hosting control panel. CloudLinux places each individual website in a virtual private server.

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Each account is then assigned a specific amount of hardware resources and a desirable PHP version, by using the PHP selector tool.

PHP 5.5 Alpha2 version includes new features like the most awaited password hashing API and providing users the ability to use bcrypt along with loop-controlling generators.

Igor Seletskiy the CEO of CloudLinux has expressed that the availability of PHP selector has made it easier to get access to PHP features. He quoted “PHP is possibly the most widely used aspect of any shared web hosting plan.”

Igor Seletskiy also added “Like the rest of the web hosting community, we are excited to start exploring the new features of PHP version 5.5.

However, many hosting companies and their customers would not usually deploy an Alpha version on a large-scale, server-wide basis.

CloudLinux and PHP Selector make it possible for hosting providers to assign individual accounts their own PHP version without affecting other sites on the same hardware.” Integrating such features in CloudLinux has helped PHP development to become easier and more productive

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